Building Guide:


The robot is designed to be built with a limited set of tools.
You will need the following:

  • A soldering iron with a small bit, plus solder
  • A small pair of side cutters for clipping component leads and wires to length
  • A small pair of pliers for holding parts and nuts while being tightened and optionally a long nosed pair.
  • Flat and cross head screwdrivers for tightening nuts and bolts
  • A digital multi meter to measure voltages and resistance values. Typically available for about £5 on EBay


UKMARS Main Board PCB – versions 1.1 and 1.3a

Resistors – all 0.125 or 0.25 watt

Part Value Note
R1 10k Ohm
R2 10k Ohm
R3 4k7 Ohm
R4 2k2 Ohm
R5 1k0 Ohm
R6 470 Ohm
R7 10k Ohm
R8 10k Ohm
R9 1k0 Ohm
R10 3k3 Ohm only needed for bluetooth module
R11 2k2 Ohm only needed for bluetooth module


Part Value Note
C1 100nF (usually marked 104).
C2 470µF, 10V For V1.3a board. Low height 12mm or less
C3 470µF, 10V For V1.3a board. Low height 12mm or less

C2 and C23 can be 10 Volt or 16 Volt parts with as large a capacitance as you can find so long as they will fit and not be more than 12mm high. Otherwise the USB lead will not fit.


Part Value Note
S1 SPDT slide or toggle Check pin spacing
S2 6mm tactile button switch
S3 4 pole dip switch e.g. RS 122-2960, CPC SW05606, Rapid 80-0334


Part Value Note
D1 1N5401 any 2A power rectifier
D2/D3 1N4148 small signal diode (only needed for BT module)

D2/D3 are the same part, marked differently the V1.1 and V1.3 bords

LED – For V1.1 board only

Part Value Note
LED any 3mm LED

Encoder Pulse Doubler

Part Value Note
IC1 74HC86

Motor driver board

Part Value Note
U2 Sparkfun TB6612FNG 2 x 8 header pins soldered through

Processor board

Normally the Arduino Nano with 2×15 header pins soldered in for coding in the Arduino environment. Alternatively, you can fit a Cytron Maker Nano RP2040 for coding in Python


  • Processor – Two 15 way single row headers. Rapid-online Order code: 19-0086.
  • One 14 way single row header (J1) for sensor boards
  • One 4 way single row header (J5) for Serial or Bluetooth
  • Two 6 way headers (J2/J3) for the motors
  • one 2 way or 3 way MALE header (J4) for the battery. Alternatively, solder the PP3 Battery connector (Rapid 18-0546) directly into the board.

Line Following Sensors

schematic here

UKMARS Line Sensor PCB


  • R1, R8, R9 390Ὠ;
  • R2 10KὨ;
  • R3, R4, R5 68Ὠ;
  • R6, R7, R10, R11 4.7KὨ. Can be 2k0 up to 4k7 depending on phototransistor choice

Transistor – Q1 – BC337-40 Bipolar NPN transistor- Rapid-online Order code: 50-3113

Capacitor – C1 100µF electrolytic – Rapid-online Order code: 11-3508

Indicator LEDs* – LED4, LED5 – any colour general purpose visible LED

Using Visible Light

Sensor Emitters – 3 x Truopto OSHR3131A-NO 3mm 3000mcd – Rapid-online Order code: 55-0066

Phototransistor – 4 x Vishay BPW85C 3mm – Farnell part no 104-5380

Using IR light

Sensor Emitters – Option a) 3 x Osram SFH409.

Phototransistor – Option a) 4 x Osram SFH309FA.

Line Sensor Half size (visible light)

Schematic here

Resistors – R1, 390Ὠ; R2 10KὨ; R3, R4, R5 68Ὠ; R6, R7, R10, R11 2.2K Ὠ R8, R9 1KὨ;

Transistor – BC337-40 Bipolar NPN transistor- Rapid-online Order code: 50-3113

Capacitor – C1 100µF electrolytic – Rapid-online Order code: 11-3508

Emitter LEDs – 3 x Truopto OSHR3131A-NO 3mm 3000mcd – Rapid-online Order code: 55-0066

Phototransistor – 4 x Vishay BPW85C 3mm – Farnell part no 104-5380 08

Indicator LEDs – any general purpose visible LED

Connector – 10 way single row male header- Rapid-online Order code: 54-5075

Wall Following Sensor Basic

Schematic Here

Two Options: a) the IR version, b) the visible light version

Capacitor – C1 100µF electrolytic – Rapid-online Order code: 11-3508

**Resistors **

  • R1, R2 390Ὠ;
  • R3, R4, R5 1.8kὨ;
  • R6 390Ὠ;
  • R7 10KὨ;
  • R8 33Ὠ;
  • R9, R10, R11 33Ὠ;

Transistor – BC337-40 Bipolar NPN transistor- Rapid-online Order code: 50-3113

Infra Red Light Version

Sensor Emitter LEDs LED3, LED4, LED5 – 3 x Osram SFH4550 5mm Phototransistor – e.g. 3 x Vishay BPW85C 3mm – Farnell part no 104-5380 or BPW96B

Visible Light Version

Resistors Option

  • R1, R2 390Ὠ;
  • R3, R4, R5 1.0kὨ;
  • R6 390Ὠ;
  • R7 10KὨ;
  • R8 33Ὠ;
  • R9, R10, R11 10Ὠ;

Sensor Emitter LEDs – LED 3, LED 4, LED 5 – 3 x Vishay TLCR5800 5mm Phototransistors – e.g. 3 x Vishay BPW85C 3mm – Farnell part no 104-5380 or BPW96B

Motors and mounts
Motors – 2 x N20 12mm micro gearmotors. Suggested gear ratio is 20:1 but anything from 10:1 to 60 :1 is OK. If you want to use encoders you need one with the extended rear shaft. Pimoroni or Polulo have a good range e.g. the Pimoroni 20:1 extended shaft micro gearmotor
Motor mounts – These may be 3D printed or bought from Polulo, Kitronic, Pimoroni or Ebay. Note that there are several types available. See assembly notes

The chassis is ideally suited to 2 x 32mm diameter wheels with 3mm D shaft centres. These may be 3D printed or bought with tyres from Polulo, Kitronic or Pimoroni. If you are 3D printing them you will need 25mm “O” rings to use as tyres, available on Ebay.

Battery – Any PP3 9Volt nominal rechargeable battery will do. NiMh ones (e.g. from B&Q) are heavier than the Lithium ion ones that can be recharged from a 5V USB supply (available on Ebay or Amazon) The Liter 9V 1200mAh one available on eBay is very good as it can be recharged with just a USB micro cable while on the robot and has capacity LEDs on it

Battery holder
for v1.1 board – Three metal paper clips and a small elastic band. For v1.3a board use Velcro on the board and the battery

Sensor Board Connector
The latest sensor boards plug directly into the J1 connector at the front of the board

Motor connector
Two options: 1) 6 x Dupont F to F connector leads (from Ebay) cut in half, or option 2) 2 x 6 way e.g. Molex wire to board connector 2.54mm. e.g. Farnell part no 1756789 plus crimp insets as in above item

Nuts & Bolts
Some commercial motor mounts will come with M2.5 bolts. These will fit the board directly. Other mounts, and the 3D printed versions will use M3 bolts. Depending on the motor mounts used you may need four M2.5 bolts and nuts for them. Otherwise, all the other nuts, bolts and spacers used are M3 size. If you use M3 bolts for the motor mounts you will need to slightly enlarge the motor mount holes in the main PCB to accommodate these, as they are current drilled for M2.5 bolts.

Two 20mm length bolts are used with 10mm spacers to hold the line follower sensor board in place.
One 12mm length bolt with a 5mm spacer can be used as the front skid. The M3 bolts can be metal or nylon as you wish.