Here is some simple micro python sample line follower code

# We start with setting up the pin definitions

from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM
import time

# then we add some global variable definitions

global leftside, leftfront, rightfront, rightside,

# pin definitions. Sets pins for digital outputs on Maker Pi RP2040

RMOTOR_DIR = Pin(8, Pin.OUT) # right mmotor direction
LMOTOR_DIR = Pin(7, Pin.OUT) # left mmotor direction
TRIGGER_PIN = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) # Trigger for LEDs on line follow sensor board

# define PWM motor speed pins

LMOTOR_PWM = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(9)) # left motor PWM is on pin 9
RMOTOR_PWM = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(17)) # right motor PWM is on pin 17
LMOTOR_PWM.freq(2000) # set PWM frequency
RMOTOR_PWM.freq(2000) # set PWM frequency

# set both motors to stopped

LMOTOR_PWM.duty_u16(0) # left motor speed – range is 0 to 65535
RMOTOR_PWM.duty_u16(0) # right motor speed – range is 0 to 65535

# Define analogue inputs used on sensor board

Lsidesense = ADC(Pin(29)) # A3
Lfrontsense = ADC(Pin(28)) # A2
Rfrontsense = ADC(Pin(27)) # A1
Rsidesense = ADC(Pin(26)) # A0

# This is some code to read the 4 line sensors

def photoread():
global leftside, leftfront, rightfront, rightside
TRIGGER_PIN.value (True) # switch on LEDs on sensor board
leftside = Lsidesense.read_u16()
leftfront = Lfrontsense.read_u16()
rightfront = Rfrontsense.read_u16()
rightside = Rsidesense.read_u16()
TRIGGER_PIN.value (False)

# and here is a simple line following routine that uses the photoread() routine above

def simplelinefollow(): # Basic proportional line follower
global leftside, leftfront, rightfront, rightside
basespeed = 15000
prevdiff = 0
while (True):
diff = int(((leftfront – rightfront) / 2 )) # divider or multiplier used to adjust correction
dterm = int((diff – prevdiff) * 2) # dervative term and it’s multiplier
leftspeed = basespeed + diff + dterm
rightspeed = basespeed – diff – dterm
# check that speeds have not gone negative
if(leftspeed < 0):
leftspeed = 0
if(rightspeed < 0):
rightspeed = 0
# adjust motor speed
LMOTOR_PWM.duty_u16(leftspeed) # set L motor – range is 0 to 65535
prevdiff = diff # save diff as previous for next time round the loop

Save the file as on the Cytron Maker Nano RP2040 and then it should run as soon as the robot is switched on.

One of the advantages of using micro python is that the source code is saved on the processor board and can be retrieved by opening the file for further editing., whereas on the Arduino Nano only the compiled code is saved on the processor so the source has to be saved and maintained on the developer’s PC