Autumn 2021 Competition
Our Autumn contrest was held in Hazlemere on the 2nd October 2021. This is the fisrt time in 2 years that we have been able to hold a contest in person and run robots against each other. Despite uncertainties of petrol and diesel supplies, a number of members were able to attend and enter their robots. Thanks for making it a great day.
You can see the contest results here
This year’s AGM was held in person on Saturday 2nd October in Hazlemere. Papers for the AGM have been circulated to all members with minutes to follow.
Virtual Events – now closed
We trialled a virtual line follower contest during the Covid-19 restrictions and found that the shipping costs for a contest size track were too high to encourage a significant number of entries. As a result we have suspended the virtual event. Our monthly virtual robot club meetings are continuing.
You can see the details of the Virtual Line Follower Contest here: UKMARS Virtual Line Follower Contest 2020
Results videos are available on Facebook here:
MINOS 2021 was once more a virtual event due the Coronavirus situation and regulations in the UK. We had a full afternoon programme of presentations. The event details can be seen here virtual-minos-2021 and a summary of the event’s proceedings can be found here MINOS 2021
MINOS 2020 Conference
The 2020 UKMARS Minos conference took place on Saturday 14th November.
Catch up with the talks here:
2019 Autumn Competition
U.K Micromouse and Robotics Society Autumn Competition was held Saturday October 12th, 2019. at Hazlemere Community Centre.
There were competitions for the drag race, line follower, classic micromouse (maze solver), half Size micromouse and wall following contests with both junior (schools) and senior competitors. Thanks to all who attended and made it a great day.
* See the Results and find out more here
2019 UK Micromouse
The UK main UK competition held in conjunction with BCU (Birmingham City University) on Saturday 1st June 2019.
See the Results and find out more here
2019 Minos Conference 19th annual MINOS conference was held on 6th and 7th April 2019 at the Quality Hotel in Coventry, U.K.
A great range of topics were covered by our contributors with informal contests for robots held on the Sunday.
Find out more here
2018 Autumn Competition
The Autumn Competition was held on the 13/10/18 at Hazlemere Community Centre HP15 7UB.
A full programme of contests was held including: Maze Solving, Line Following, Wall Following and Drag Racing.
For the first time in the UK half size mice were seen running in a purpose built half size maze.