UKMARS has a number of active projects relating to micromouse and small robot competitions
These projects are all available for you to examine and build for yourself
Maze Timer
The maze timer is suitable for all of the maze based challenges including micromouse, wall following and time trials
Using inexpensive, easy to find parts, this robot needs only basic skills. Good for line following, wall following, drag race, mini-sumo and even micromouse maze solving.
Maze Building
If you are going to build a micromouse that runs in a maze then you will want to build your own maze for practice.
Sensor Blaster
The Sensor Blaster is a simple device that emits pulses of light strong enough to interfere with maze timer sensors. It is used to test the timers and could be useful for testing micromouse sensors as well.
Line Follower Timer
The line following and drag race challenges need a different kind of timing gate than the maze. These are generally gantry-style systems.
Latest Project Posts
Latest Project Posts
Arduino IDE with a Raspberry Pi Pico (or RP2040 based boards)
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Remote Control your Robot from an Android Phone
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Robot Sensors: 1 Phototransistor Selection
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Minos 2022 Presentations
Over the weekend of Saturday 2nd April and Sunday 3rd April we had another successful…
UKMARSBOT Mazerunner
The UKMARSBOT robot was designed from the start to be a good training robot for…
Half size line – full size robot
We have been looking at the possibilities for a half size line follower challenge and…